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On February 1, 2025 we will start our Psalm-a-Day Challenge again.

We are challenging everyone to read a psalm a day. There are 150 psalms in the Psalter. That means 5 months of reading if we read 30 psalms per month. 

An important component of this challenge is that we all read the same psalm on the same day. So, the number of the psalm will always correspond with the date. On February 1 we will read Psalm 1 and on March 1 it will be Psalm 31. On April 1 it will be Psalm 61, etc.

Don't beat yourself up if you miss a day. Just look at the date and read the psalm that corresponds to that date. Just do it!

Use the psalm as a springboard for your prayer. The psalms should always be read prayerfully. Focus on a word, a sentence or an idea, and pray that into your life. It is as we pray God's word back to Him that we participate in His will being done on earth as it is in heaven.

Above and beyond: If you want to read more, you can read 5 psalms a day. Many people find that the current psalm might not connect to where they are at, but if they read 5 psalms, at least one of them will connect. The 5 psalms will then be selected by the date as well. For instance, on the 6th of the month you will read psalms 6, 36, 66, 96, 126. As you can see, you just add 30 every time.

The psalms are unique in being intimately relational with God. It often expresses our human emotions towards God - when things are going well AND during the hard times.

Our Psalm-a-Day Challenge takes us through the Psalter twice a year. It is as we read, re-read and pray these ancient words that it seeps into our soul and infuses the way we pray and relate to God.