Welcome to my first blog post for this website. In fact, it is my first blog post ever! The plan is to communicate to, or dialogue with, our WBC community in a way that is different than a Sunday sermon. I hope to write a monthly blog post.
My family and I joined the WBC community at the end of last year when I took on the role of teaching pastor here at WBC. We received a very warm welcome from all the folks here and it did not take us long to feel at home. It was especially meaningful to celebrate the birth of Christ together.
As I reflect on our encounter with this community, I am struck by the similarity between a community and a garden. Both are populated by living entities, even though their levels of existence are miles apart. What sets them apart from a cemetery, a museum or an empty parking lot is LIFE!
This is what we have found in the WBC community: people that have the life of God in them; people who are deeply grateful for the grace that God has shown them. God saved us when we could not save ourselves. And it was not a random act of kindness. It was intentional, premeditated grace flowing from the heart of a loving God towards the people that He had made!
Beautiful gardens have a variety of different plants: flowers, trees, shrubs, bushes, etc. This community is no different: we have people from many different cultures, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Some have been planted here for decades; others, like us, have only just arrived.
Gardens are planted to be enjoyed, whether they are in a park or in a back yard. It is my prayer that the God who gives new life, would enjoy what is planted in this community. And, I pray that the people of this community would enjoy each other, even as they enjoy the God who comes to walk in the garden during the cool of the evening. Amen.